Knowledgebase | Google Workspace

Signing In

Many people already have a personal Google account. If you are one of them, don’t sweat it, as you may be logged into more then one Google account at a time. The only “trick” to keep in mind is that the first account you log in to on a given device will often be considered the “Default Account.” This is the account that will be used when doing things like clicking new links. If you want to change which account is the “Default,” simple sign out of all accounts and then sign in again, “Default” account first.

If you are using a Google service and would like to switch accounts, select your profile in the top right hand corner, and click the account you would like to start using. Often, this will open a new tab leaving your current work unaffected.

For more detailed information, please see: Sign in to multiple accounts at once

If you need help accessing your account, or need help getting one, requests may be sent via email or posted on someone’s behalf in the #Communications Slack channel.


The core of Unami Lodge’s Google Workspace use is Gmail, as email is often the primary way that we communicate with our members.

To access Gmail, visit

What can you do with Gmail?


Google Groups are what make Unami Lodge’s “email forwarder” system work. For example, all members of the Communications committee receive a copy of every message sent to [email protected].

If you need help with creating a group, managing it’s members, or any other administrative task, please drop the #Communications committee a line. Otherwise, visit or check out Google’s documentation to lean how your committee can use Groups as more then a way to shuffle emails around!

Docs & Drive

Google Docs & Drive is a great way to collaborate on shared documents, and share files of all types.

Everything is web based, which makes sharing and collaboration as simple as sending a link! However, keep in mind that by default, things will only be shared with other accounts. If you wish to share with others, feel free edit sharing permissions as necessary:

Share files from Google Drive

File storage, collaboration & docs